David Brooks is Wrong About Jeremy Lin

David Brooks is Wrong About Jeremy Lin

David Brooks, a columnist I enjoy reading and greatly admire, made the case in Friday’s New York Times that a faith driven athlete is a problem. I have a problem with that. Brooks contends the moral ethos of sport is contradictory to the moral ethos of faith, a term in which he carelessly lumps together … Read more

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Don’t Outsource Your Values to Presidential Candidates

Last night’s Iowa Caucus result represents an attempted pendulum swing for the country. Senator Rick Santorum’s surprising surge and victory, in spite of a few votes short of Governor Mitt Romney, is reminiscent of Mike Huckabee’s victory four years ago. The conservative base of the Republican Party finds a candidate that speaks to their agenda … Read more

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Voting Patterns Based on Faith: We Need Honest Media Portrayal

The presidential campaigns of Mitt Romney and John Huntsman have raised the specter of a first for a US president: one who is a Mormon. Certainly after 44 presidents of Protestant faith affiliation, with exception for the lone Roman Catholic in John F. Kennedy, this would be a marked difference for our country. As well, … Read more

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