And Boehner Cried
I was away from the Gotham Fellowship this week, and unfortunately poor technology prevented me from joining the class discussion. Yet, there is much still...
Look to the Pope to Rise Above Persecution
This editorial originally appeared in the Orlando Sentinel on September 20, 2015. As a huge fan of Pope Francis and an evangelical, Protestant pastor, I...
Culture: Critique it, Change it, or Create it?
Critique it, change it, or create it? These are the three categories that Andy Crouch names as reactions to culture Christians in the 20th century...
Seriously, Gotham?
Gotham: [goth-uh m, goh-thuh m for 1; got-uh m, goh-thuh m for 2] noun 1. a journalistic nickname for New York City. 2. an English...
Easter Means Hope
This editorial originally appeared in the Orlando Sentinel on Easter morning, Sunday, April 5, 2015. Two Christian saints died this week, and I can only...
A Fierce Faith: What I Have in Common With ISIS
Did the title capture your attention? Good. Allow me to explain. Recently, I participated in an interesting discussion on Facebook, related to a post about...
In a Democracy, We All Need Christmas
Originally published as an editorial in the Orlando Sentinel, December 21, 2014. Christians celebrate God becoming human in Jesus on Christmas day. Much of the...
IDignity: Easing the Ferocity of the Voter ID Debate
Originally published as an editorial in the Orlando Sentinel on December 31, 2013. Healthy democracies demand elections that are secure, trusted, and corruption free. The...
Bold Papal Gestures, Past & Future
Benedict XVI begins to consider his legacy as pope while the cardinals prepare for their conclave in which the next pope will be chosen. As...